TOP 5 secrets to playing guitar like Eddie Van Halen

The best way to learn how to play guitar like Eddie Van Halen is to first examine the nuts a bolts of his guitar solos. And that’s what we’ll explore in these following video lessons.

Eddie Van Halen is clearly the undisputed king of the tapping and whammy bar technique, however the bulk of his lead styles are comprised of Blues Riffs.

Many of his solos are played so fast and accurately, it makes them hard to distinguish.

I’ve been playing guitar for a Van Halen tribute on the side lately. So I’ve had lots of time to explore Eddie Van Halen’s style in-depth.

In the videos below you will find 5 lessons that explore the blues roots of his style and help you to better understand how to play guitar like Eddie Van Halen.

Eddie Van Halen – Blues Riff #1 (of 5)

Here is Eddie Van Halen – Blues Riff #2 (of 5)

In this video of my series of Edward Van Halen guitar riffs, I’m exploring one of Eddies TOP Whammy Bar Style Riffs. that he uses in about 90% of his Van Halen guitar solos.

Eddie Van Halen – Blues Riff #3-4 (of 5)

This lessons demonstrates an extremely useful guitar riff/tool for guitarists that not only exemplifies Eddie Van Halen’s Tasty Style, but also gives you a tie-in to classic Blues riffs with Gaelic phrasing. I found this gem of a riff on Eddies Solos on “Black and Blue” off the album 0U812.

Eddie Van Halen – Blues Riff #5 (of 5) plus a bonus!

In this final lesson of 5 Eddie Van Halen – King of the blues, I examine a fantastic Riff that you can also hear in Eric Clapton’s early days of rock. It can be used in the beginning, middle or end of solos. Plus there’s a bonus riff at the end and then I tie-in all 5 of these lessons in a live Jam sessions, so you can see some ideas on how incorporate these into your own style!

Have fun and keep practicing and I’ll see you in the next lesson.